The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has published its latest plan, Number 7, for cutting CO2in UK by 2038-42. The objective is to reach net zero by 2050, so CCC is aiming for 87% reduction of the 1990 level, costing £26bn a year.
5 avenues are defined plus 43 recommendations. Hydrogen could have a gigantic effect on cutting carbon, while simultaneously saving £billions. Sad to say, the CCC does not see hydrogen as transport fuel, which is our major UK Carbon problem right now.
Another problem is that fossil methane and Carbon Capture are predicted to play a very big role, with electrolysis only 54%.
The disappointing quote is that hydrogen will play a “small but important” part in industries, in electricity supply and as feed for synthetic hydrocarbon fuels.
I do not believe this makes sense when Wind/solar/hydrogen looks so promising.